Tuesday 4 August 2015

Sad ..

I swear to God I'm coming down with SAD, the Seasonal Affective Disorder! Just where is our English bloody Summer?..

I'm sitting in my office with a fleece on, as more rain clouds gather and a cold blustery wind threatens to snap the top-heavy dahlias in the garden. It's horrible! In desperation I've turned to looking at old holiday photographs, and thought I'd share a travel shot from a flight to Greece I took a couple of years back...

Of course, I'm NOT suffering from SAD and don't mean to make light of it. What with all the crap that's going on in the world right now I know damn well I'm doing just fine. The sum total of my 'gripes' this morning is a pimple on my forehead and an achy shoulder from overdoing the press-ups yesterday! Puts it in perspective, doesn't it? Maybe I'm just sad for how the world is right now .. 

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